Saunders explores Smibert's early Scottish and London training as well as his travels to Italy; his portrait practice in London; his arrival in America and his stylistic development; the creation of The Bermuda Group, Smibert's masterpiece; and, finally, the business of portrait painting in Boston.
According to Saunders, Smibert's portraits provide essential clues about the nature of portraiture in colonial society. Saunders discusses the social codes, ethnic prejudices, and religious intrigues that exacted a toll of Smibert and other artists of the period. He also describes how Smibert reconciled the conflicts between his search for spiritual well-being brought about by his Scottish Presbyterian heritage and his struggle for artistic achievement, social acceptance, and financial security. The catalogue illustrates more than one hundred and thirty works by the artist, as well as listing erroneous attributions and fakes.
A Barra Foundation Book