Experimentation and Collaboration

By North American Serials Interest Group. Conference, Charlene N. Simser

Experimentation and Collaboration
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Experimentation and Collaboration: Creating Serials for a New Millenium will help you see the current direction of serials collection, development, creation, and production as we travel with the electronic age into the dawn of the next millenium. You'll get instant access to the many ways in which traditional boundaries between academic libraries and computer services are dissolving, and you'll see the new sense of egalitarianism that's enhancing scholarship and scholarly communication as the next thousand years approaches.

In Experimentation and Collaboration, you'll be transported instantly to all the best NASIG plenary, project, and issues sessions and workshops you might have missed, such as:
  • surviving scholarhip in the 21st Century
  • building a national electronic collection for long-term access
  • creating an electronic archive
  • understanding initiatives in Internet cataloging
  • finding innovations in journal access
  • surmounting the challenges of managing and delivering e-journals
  • drumming up motivation for staff in changing times
  • handling copyright issues and Web publishing

    Overall, the 12th Annual NASIG Conference was a grand affair, bringing over 600 publishers, vendors, and librarians to Ann Arbor from America, Canada, and Mexico, as well as Great Britain, Germany, and Australia. Experimentation and Collaboration gives you the full range of acitivites at this important conference and ensures that you'll be able to collaborate on, experiment with, and create new serials with the rest of the scholarly world as we begin a new electronic era of information provision, serials publishing, and library science.