Florida Standards: A Handbook for Teaching in the Sunshine Stateis a book for elementary and secondary teachers in Florida's schools. Focusing specifically on one geographic area the discussion is grounded using the language, resources, and policies as they currently exist in the sunshine state. At the heart of this book is a focus on student learning. Contextualized across domains of learning, school demographics, student needs, and curricular variance, this book is meant to provide readers with increased understanding about how to make a difference in the classroom.
- Outcome expectations-Goals and objectives for what readers should accomplish are presented in the introduction and at the start of each chapter.
- Reflective prompts-To support readers as they monitor and self-assess, a series of reflective prompts are placed throughout the handbook.
- Before reading features-As a window into the complex issues addressed in this handbook,Taking a Stanceboxes are placed at the beginning of each chapter. These open-ended statements invite readers to consider their positions and opinions before reading.
- During reading features-Informing and Articulating Your Stance, mid-chapter checkpoints, and text boxes appear throughout each chapter, serving as prompts for further thinking, writing, and discussion.
- After reading features-Toward the end of each chapter, Researching and Extending Your Stance, a series of questions revisit initial assumptions and offer suggestions for further research.
- Evidence learning-Each chapter ends with a Summary section that contains specific questions aligned with the chapter's objective. In addition, all writing completed during the reading of this handbook will document student learning and serve as artifacts in a professional portfolio.
- Resources-Due to the constant shifts in standards and assessments, the primary resources offered in this handbook are Internet links. Websites have been carefully selected to give readers the kind of specificity impossible to contain in an affordable text like this.
- Glossary-The specialized vocabulary of the standards movement as applicable to this book is defined in a short glossary.