The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Yiddish

By Benjamin Blech

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning Yiddish
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You're no idiot, of course.  You can serve up a mean s'il vous plaît in a French bistro, live la vida loca for a night of margaritas, and manage a sayonara! after sushi, sake, and karaoke. But when it comes to throwing around a little Yiddish, you feel like a total nebbish!

Don't throw up your hands in a helpless “Oy, vey” just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Learning Yiddish is your guide to this unique tongue, whether you're tackling rules of grammar or just throwing around some key phrases so you sound a little less goyish. In this Complete Idiot's Guide® you get:

--A fascinating explanation of how and why Yiddish developed.

--An easy introduction to the Yiddish alphabet, as well as to the distinctive sound of Yiddish.

--All the Yiddish you'll need for communicating with family and friends or for bargain-hunting on New York's Lower East Side.

--A treasury of Yiddish words and phrases for everything.


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