What Others Are Saying About Tales2Inspire _ The Crystall Collection
The crystal is the perfect representation for the humorous stories in this Tales2Inspire Crystal Collection. These stories are well formed observations, funny with sharp edges. Crystals, too, are perfectly geometric and precise, enabling the viewer to look through them and see the world from a different perspective.
Linda Maria Frank
Author of the Annie Tillery Mystery Series, Host of The Writers Dream cable TV show
This Tales2Inspire Crystal Collection shimmers with humorous truths, some hard won, and all well worth reading. These entertaining stories take readers on amusing excursions, whether it's having lunch with Betty Friedan or sharing a Valentines Day with Sonny and Cher. You will chuckle at the stories of a dentist's revenge, chicken zombies, vengeful appliances, and ant invaders; and you'll nod in agreement at the laughable joys of grandparenting and the challenges of living alone. You'll enter The Crystal Collection with pleasure and leave with a smile in your heart.Lois Paige Simenson
Author, playwright, frequent blogger as The Alaska Philosophaster, sharing humorous aspects about her life in Alaska