Random House Roget's College Thesaurus

By Carol G. Braham, Random House (Firm)

Random House Roget's College Thesaurus
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Revised and containing hundreds of new words, Random House Roget's College Thesaurus is the easiest to use and most up-to-date word-finder available.
"Features include: "
*Over 12,000 main entries in a single A-Z listing for easy use.
*Over 400,000 synonyms and antonyms cover all levels of vocabulary, from formal to slang, and include hundreds of new words: win-win, agita, no-brainer, wannabe, and much more!
*Thousands of example sentences show an appropriate context for each meaning of a main entry term.
*A comprehensive and authoritative vocabulary reference for school, home, and office use, in a durable, thumb-indexed hardcover.

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