For nearly a decade, parents have looked to Clara Hemphill to help them find a great public school for their child. For this third edition, Clara and her staff visited nearly 500 of New York Citys elementary schools and chose 200 of the best schools to recommendwith more than 70 new school profiles not included in the previous edition! This essential guide uncovers the inside scoop on schools (the condition of the building, homework, teacher quality, etc.), includes a checklist of questions to ask on a school tour, and incorporates new listings of charter schools and magnet programs. It also provides the hard facts on:
Class size and total school enrollment Test scores for reading and math Ethnic make up: Black, White, Hispanic, Asian Admissions requirements: none? tests? interview? Teaching methods and styles: progressive, traditional When to apply How to decide which schools to try forPraise for Clara Hemphills Parents Guides!
New York Daily News... Brisk, thoughtful profiles of topnotch, intriguing schools.
Big Apple Parent... Hemphill has done for schools what Zagats did for restaurants.
New York Magazine... Thoughtful, well-researched
required reading.
The New York Times... A bible for urban parents.