“2016 YOUR NEW ASTROLOGY™ HOROSCOPES ARE HERE IN A ONE-VOLUME BOOK WHICH GIVES YOU THE SCOOP ON ALL OF THE MONKEY YEAR'S DESTINIES. BE IT love, luck, money, health or decision-making - This 400-page book of monthly forecasts suits everybody’s lifestyle. The generous monthly predictions are written in the jaunty, easygoing style of world-renowned author Suzanne White, the high priestess of Chinese and Western Astrologies.
WHITE both predicts your future and tickles your funny bone throughout. You will gasp and giggle and nod your head enthusiastically as you read the month-by-month progress your 2016 Fire Monkey Year promises to deliver. Whether you are longing to start a baby, get a new job, fall madly in love, move house, get a divorce or simply know when to take a holiday and where, let this easy-to-use book be your guide.
IMAGINE! A SINGLE BOOK that reads your future both in western (Aries, Gemini, Leo.) and Chinese (Dragons and Tigers and Snakes) Astrology. Pisces/Horses will be gifted with new passion. Gemini/Dragons can look forward to victory and praise. Virgo/Rats will find peace of mind. In 2016, this book will serve the needs of everyone on the planet.
REMEMBER! You get double your money in "2016 New Astrology™ Horoscopes”. No need to buy two books: one about western horoscopes and another about Chinese horoscopes. All 24 signs are inside this one book. You can read not just Scorpio's future, but Horse's future as well. Capricorn and Snake are completely covered, as are Leo and Monkey and all the rest. There is plenty to look forward to for everybody in "2016 Your New Astrology™ Horoscopes Chinese and Western".
This is the only non-astro mumbo jumbo horoscope book available for 2016. It's a straight-talking book that takes you by the hand and helps you make headway throughout, the sometimes tricky... and even dangerous - Fire Monkey Year 2016.