One of the most important keys to achieving success in your career is the ability to impress at interview.
Although it is fundamental to getting any job, the interview is still an experience most professionals dread. The fears of losing face, drying up and ultimately failing to get the job can lead to nervousness and low confidence. In this book, Jenny Rogers offers practical advice on research and preparation, giving guidance on how to behave during the whole selection process and present your skills and experience in a relevant manner. Handling the preliminaries and the actual interview – from personal presentation to asking questions - and what to do when you are offered the job are also examined.
Job Interview Success: Be Your Own Coach provides you with all the information you need to get the result you want and prove you are in the business of achieving success.
Read it the night before in order to refresh your skills. Better still, read it in time to do the research and preparation which will enhance your chances of succeeding and getting the job you want.