Barack Obama and Leadership

By Joseph Andrews

Barack Obama and Leadership
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How Did Barack Obama So Quickly Squander the Goodwill of the Nation...and the World? In "Barack Obama and Leadership: 10 Reasons the 44th President Squandered Unprecedented Goodwill," Joseph Andrews offers an insightful, scholarly response to this question, citing poignant facts, statistics and incisive documentation. Andrews details both Barack Obama's election due to a campaign that promised hope and change, as well as a presidency that delivered little change and left the hopes of far too many Americans unrealized. Andrews pinpoints ten reasons why the Obama presidency has proven ineffective and deflated the confidence of the American people: Executive Inexperience Lack of Appropriate Mentoring Questionable Integrity Misunderstood Mandate Aversion to Values Weak Governing Philosophy and more... Strong leadership on the part of the President of the United States is important to Americans. "Barack Obama and Leadership: 10 Reasons the 44th President Squandered Unprecedented Goodwill" paints a revealing portrait of a president whose weakness and shortcomings not only cost him the faith and goodwill of the nation, but of the world as well. In these pages, find an engaging read that shines a revealing light on the shaping influences, defining decisions, actions, policies, and ultimately, the legacy of President Barack Obama. Joseph Andrews is an alumnus of Jerry Jenkins' Christian Writers Guild and a member of the Christian Authors Guild, Woodstock, Georgia. He is a member of the general leadership of World Outreach Missions (WOM), a globally oriented leadership and missions ministry in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He has an executive background in both human resource management and marketing. As a leadership resource person, his interests are in transformational leadership and the principles that engender this in organizations and societies. He lives in Lawrenceville, Georgia with his wife, Magdalene, and their two children, Joshua and Abigail.

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