Hydrogeology of Morgan Valley, Morgan County, Utah

By Janae Wallace, Mike Lowe, Jonathan K. King, Walid W. Sabbah, Kevin J. Thomas

Hydrogeology of Morgan Valley, Morgan County, Utah
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Morgan Valley in the Wasatch Range, like several other hinterland valleys, is a rural area characterized by extensive agricultural activity and increasing population. Groundwater in the unconsolidated valley-fill aquifer is Morgan Valley’s most important source of drinking water, but there is interest in establishing wells in bedrock aquifers along the valley margins. The purpose of this study is to provide tools for water-resource management and land-use planning.

To accomplish this purpose, the study: (1) characterizes the relationship of geology to groundwater occurrence and flow, with emphasis on determining the thickness of the valley-fill aquifer and the water-yielding properties of the fractured-rock aquifers, (2) develops a water budget for the drainage basin, (3) maps recharge and discharge areas for the valley-fill aquifer, (4) classifies the groundwater quality of the valley-fill aquifer to formally identify and document the beneficial use of groundwater resources, and (5) identifies the likely sources of existing nitrate in groundwater. This CD contains a 146-page report and 9 plates in easily readable PDF format that describe groundwater conditions in Morgan Valley.

146 pages + 9 plates

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