Euro-Par 2009 - Parallel Processing

By Dick Epema

Euro-Par 2009 - Parallel Processing
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Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the p- motion and the advancement of all aspects of parallel computing. In Euro-Par, the ?eld of parallel computing is divided into the four broad categories of t- ory, high performance, cluster and grid, and distributed and mobile computing. These categories are further subdivided into 14 topics that focus on particular areas in parallel computing. The objective of Euro-Par is to provide a forum for promoting the development of parallel computing both as an industrial te- nique and as an academic discipline, extending the frontier of both the state of the art and the state of the practice. The target audience of Euro-Par c- sists of researchers in parallel computing in academic departments, government laboratories, and industrial organizations. Euro-Par 2009 was the 15th conference in the Euro-Par series, and was - ganized by the Parallel and Distributed Systems Group of Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands. The previous Euro-Par conferences took placeinStockholm,Lyon,Passau,Southampton,Toulouse,Munich,Manchester, Paderborn,Klagenfurt,Pisa,Lisbon, Dresden, Rennes, and Las Palmasde Gran Canaria. Next year, the conference will be held in Sorrento, Italy. More inf- mation on the Euro-Par conference series and organization is available on its website at