Software Engineering Economics

By Barry W. Boehm

Software Engineering Economics
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Introduction: motivation and context; Case study 1: scientific american subscription processing; Case study 2: an urban school attendance system; The goals of software engineering; The software life-cycle: a quantitative models; The software life-cycle: phases and activities; The basic COCOMO model; The basic COCOMO model: development modes; the basic COCOMO model: activity distribution;The intermediate COCOMO model: product level estimates; Intermediate COCOMO: component level estimation; Fundamentals of software engineering economics; COst-effectiveness analysis; Performance models and cost-effectiveness models; Production functions: economies of scale; Choosing among aletrnatives: decision criteria; Multiple-goal decision analysis; Net value and marginal analysis; Present versus future expenditure and income; Figures of merit; Goals as constraints; Systems analysis and constrained optimization; Coping with unreconcilable and unquantifiable goals; Dealing with uncertainties, risk, and the value of information; Coping with uncertainties: risk analysis; Statistical decision theory: the value of information; The art of software cost estimation; Software cost estimation methods and procedures; Seven basic steps in software cost estimation; Alternative software cost estimation methods; The detailed COCOMO model; Detailed COCOMO: summary and operational description; Detailed COCOMO cost drivers: product attributes; Detailed COCOMO cost drivers: computer attributes; Detailed COCOMO cost drivers: personnel attributes; Detailed COCOMO cost drivers: project attributes; Factores not included in COCOMO; COCOMO evaluation; Software cost estimation and life-cycle management; Software maintenance cost estimation; Software life-cycle cost estimation; Software project planning and control; Improving software productivity; Index.

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