Fed up being the wife of a domineering, controlling husband, Nora Jaco drives away from her home in the middle of the night determined to return to her old life in New York City. The drive east from Santa Barbara, California, takes her to Highway 40, which shows billboards of the historic Route 66. Having read about it and curious, she decides to take that road, thinking she may never get another chance to do so. This turn will prove to be one filled with things Nora never could have anticipated when she left her home: murder, drugs, and mayhem. She will also meet a handsome sheriff who helps her out and who feels he needs to protect her. Her husband, Harley, unable to comprehend why she would ever want to leave him, sets out to find and bring her home. When he does find her at a casino/hotel near the state line, the sheriff is with her, her hotel room has been ransacked and trashed, and more police have gotten involved. Furious at first, he calms down and pleads with her to return home but Nora tells him that she is through with him and their marriage and will be filing for divorce. His pride will not let him accept the fact that she is done and gone!