Cost-benefit and Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Health Care

By Kenneth E. Warner, Bryan R. Luce

Cost-benefit and Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Health Care
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Bibliografi, usa. The substance and structure of the text follow the book's title: Principles, practice and potential. Chapter 1 provides background on the nature, magnitude, and causes of the health care cost problem, concluding with a discussion of the cost containment ideas and acti- vities. Chapter 2 introduces the reader to cba-cea, discussing the chapter closes with some recent developments indicating the current intensity of interest in cba-cea in both health professional and po- licy circles. Chapter 3, on principles, presents the methodology of cba-cea. Chapter 4, on practice, examinies the health care cba-cea literature by presenting our empirical analysis of trends in the growth and character ofthe litterature, identifying substantive to- pics of interest. Chapter 5, on potential, evaluates the health po- licy uses and future usefulness of cba-cea.

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