Results of research works reveal that any nation that fails to orientate all categories of its citizens on what the country stands for and against gives rooms for other countries to devalue the national value, violate the law and order; deforming the prevailing norms and cultures in all the communities.
Most of African values, enriched with proverbs like “a goat is never pronounced innocent if the judge is a leopard” and “when brothers fight to death; a stranger inherits their father’s estate”, are getting eroded with westernization. The African heritages through the transfer of cultures, norms and order from one generation to another are threatened with extinctions since the time of colonization, particularly in oil-rich African nations.
The shutting down of value systems which are usually designed to boost moral values of citizens and enhance the functions of political, social and economic machineries are responsible for civil wars, terrorism, genocides and other atrocities in most African nations.
This book which is designed to be studied in African Tertiary Institutions shares the results of research works into the causes of conflicts, political and economic servitude in Africa; using the analyses of quotes of some of the notable leaders and African proverbs to reinforce the value systems on the continent.