Fundamentals of Marketing For B.Com. Sem.-4 (According to NEP-2020)

By R.C. Agarwal, Dr. N. S. Kothari

Fundamentals of Marketing For B.Com. Sem.-4 (According to NEP-2020)
Available for 2.92 USD

Table of Content:-

1. Marketing : Meaning (Micro and Macro Meaning), Nature, Scope and Importance 2. Marketing Concept 3. The Concept of Marketing Mix 4. Marketing Environment 5. Consumer Behaviour 6. Market Segmentation and Positioning 7. Product 8. Product Identification–Brand, Trademark, Packaging and Labelling 9. Product Life-Cycle 10. New Product Development 11. Pricing Decisions 12. Promotion Decisions 13. Personal Selling 14. Advertisement Management 15. Sales Promotion 16. Channels of Distribution 17. Wholesaler or Wholesale Distribution Management 18. Retail Distribution Management 19. Physical Distribution Management 20. Recent Development in Marketing.

More Information:-

The authors of this book are R.C. Agarwal & Dr. N. S. Kothari.

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