As it stands, the DSM fails to address important sources of strength and resiliency that can significantly affect diagnosis and treatment. The authors of this transformative volume propose enhancements to the current diagnostic and classification system that encompass the biopsychosocial, cultural, and spiritual milieus of individuals and acknowledge the strengths originating from personal, family, and community resources. This proposed Axis VI addresses contextual and individual factors related to diversity, equity, and resiliency, thereby enabling an understanding of the whole person and offering significant resources for treatment.
Within each chapter the authors demonstrate the use of strength-based multicultural diagnostic processes and application of Axis VI to specific disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, oppositional/defiant disorder, dementia/Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and other psychoses, and substance-related and co-occurring disorders. The text also reviews relevant etiology and evidence-based research for each disorder and highlights current strength-based and culturally competent approaches to diagnosis and treatment. For the utmost clarification, case vignettes for each disorder describe diagnosis with and without the use of Axis VI.
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