Vertebrate Palaeontology

By Michael J. Benton

Vertebrate Palaeontology
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Vertebrate Palaeontology is a complete, up-to-date historyof the evolution of vertebrates. The third edition of this populartext has been extensively revised to incorporate the latestresearch, including new material from North and South America,Australia, Europe, China, Africa and Russia.
  • Highlights astonishing new discoveries including new dinosaursand Mesozoic birds from China
  • features a new chapter on how to study fossil vertebrates
  • provides an increased emphasis on the cladistic framework withcladograms set apart from the body of the text and full lists ofdiagnostic characters
  • includes new molecular evidence on early mammaldiversification
  • new features aid study including new functional anddevelopmental feature spreads, key questions and extensivereferences to useful web sites
  • strong phylogenetic focus making it an up-to-date source of thelatest broad-scale systematic data on vertebrate evolution

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An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Pleasecontact our Higher Education team at ahref="" more information.

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