How to Prepare for a Happy Marriage; Amazing Guide for Single and Married

By Joseph Moshood, Gladys Moshood, Joseph S Moshood

How to Prepare for a Happy Marriage; Amazing Guide for Single and Married
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This 87 pages and 5,632 words book deals with dating or courtship advice, relationship advice, sex advice, resolving martial conflicts and marriage repair, money management in the home and Child training principles. Issues covered in this book include the following: *MONEY MANAGEMENT IN THE HOME: Your goals in money management should include Giving unto the Lord, Avoiding financial bondage through debt, Providing for the needs of the family and Save for emergency. Read books and other materials on finance regularly. Say no to pressure from family and friends. Pray about all financial issues, companies that you invested in and commit your monthly plans to God. *EXTENTED FAMILY AND VISITATION: Extended family and in-laws are close relations from both angles. Love, care and understanding should be your guiding principles in relating with in-laws and extended family. Religious programmes supersede all extended family programmes. All close ties to extended family or in-laws before marriage should be broken-off after marriage. You should endeavor not to tell in-laws about your family. Rather you should take all family needs to God in prayer first or consult spirit filled leaders. In-laws should be visited in times of needs and whenever you dim necessary they should be visited. *CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN THE HOME: Conflict is a reality of life. One of the causes of crisis in the home is allowing pressure from friends and relatives to increase demand on spouse. Why you should resolve crisis among you should be based on Love for each other, Stability of home and ministry and Good example to our children. * CHILD REARING AND TRAINING: The minimum of two years child spacing is encouraged by family planning experts. You need to agree on the type of family planning method e.g. calendar method, use of condom at times. Guide them on how to choose friends and to avoid corrupting relationship. We will nurture our children to spiritual and physical maturity. Inculcate personal study skills in our children and encourage them to study for at least 2 hours at home. Taking away privilege that the child cherish and Proximity time-out (involving isolating the child emotionally without physical distance) are effective methods of training your children. . *SEX AND PREPARING FOR HONEYMOON THROUGHOUT YOUR MARRIAGE: Sex questions that you need to answer while in courtship are -How frequent should you have sex? What are other ways to promote excitement in your marriage apart from sex? Sex like any other human activity, can be planned and learnt. Make time for each other at least once a week: not family, no friends, and no business. It is also a way to sparkle one's sex life. Marriage is created for the following reasons, companionship completeness and communication. *SENSUAL LOVING ? THE GATEWAY TO LASTING RELATIONSHIP: According to some sex experts, the best sex is married sex, as long as it contains the ingredient that many happy husbands and wives secretly share sensuality. The stress reducing effects of sensual touch can set the stage for fulfilling love-making. If sex is the fire in marriage, I can conclude that sensuality is the spark that keeps it burning. *WONDERFUL HEALTH BENEFITS OF MARRIED SEX: Some people argued that sex can reduce the lifespan of a man. Sex Boosts Immunity: Good sexual health may be equated to better physical health. Sex Relieves Stress: One major benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction as opined by Scottish researchers in the journal Biological psychology.. Other benefits of sex were stated in this book. Keywords Dating or courtship advice, Relationship advice, Sex advice, Resolving Martial conflicts and marriage repair, Money management in the home, Child training principles

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