100 Years of Deception

By Alan R. Adaschik

100 Years of Deception
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The citizens of the United States have been played for fools for the past 100 years. Very few of us know what is behind events which have shaped our world. 100 Years of Deception, is one citizen's attempt to shed light on the truth and inform people about what is behind the events we see happening today. The book starts out by demonstrating that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, constituted an overthrow of our government. Since then, the conspirators complicit in this tragedy have pulled the strings that make us dance and controlled our Nation's media to keep us ignorant and compliant. Eventually, these conspirators infiltrated and gained control of the key institutions of our society. Through undue influence and propaganda, they have shaped how Americans think and view the world, which has left us hopelessly brainwashed. This book not only demonstrates that our government has been overthrown, it also provides an accounting of the catastrophic consequences the world has suffered because of these criminal conspirators. It also offers proposals for rectifying our deplorable state of affairs. As Americans we have a responsibility to seek and know the truth. Once accomplished, we will have the tools to put an end to the 100 years of deception which has shaped the world within which we live.