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By Geoffrey K. Brandwood, Andrew Davison, Michael Slaughter

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The pub is one of Britain's great institutions, loved at home and envied abroad. For hundreds of years it has offered refreshment and pleasure to communities throughout the land. The traditional pub, as we know it, was largely a Victorian creation but since the 1960s it has been subject to rapid and often insensitive change. Consequently, fewer than 4 per cent of the country's pubs now have interiors of any signifcant historic value. This books shows how important it is to preserve this unique heritage. It describes the long and interesting history of the public house and reveals how changing attitudes are reflected in its design and planning. From simple country pubs to those shimmering with vivid tiles, painted glalss and gilded woodwork, this book describes them all. It is packed with information on brewing, temperance and legislation as well as a section on the pub mythology that describes the tall tales told about pubs! With over 300 illustration, including specially commissioned colour photographs and plans, this book is a celebration of a treasured British institution.