Most Americans have never seen a cougar in the wild. Their range has continued to shrink during the last 100 years. They are under great environmental stress. According to the Defenders of Wildlife, the Florida Panther is one of the country’s most endangered mammals. There is no doubt that cougars are dangerous predators. However, they rarely see humans as prey. They do see humans as trespassers. There is a difference. The likelihood of being killed by a cougar is one in a billion. However, according to the CDC, the chances of being murdered in the USA in a given year is 1 in 18,989. The data does not justify calling these creatures man-eaters. But they are nature’s perfect hunters, and they deserve our respect and right to co-exist with us.
This book will help the reader become better acquainted and educated about North America’s second-largest cat. Be cautious, take heed, and enjoy nature and our wild America.