Countries, Corporations and Cultures

By Paul Melessen

Countries, Corporations and Cultures
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With expanding globalisation, international enterprises exercise a growing influence on organizational culture in countries where they operate. Several dimensional frameworks exist to compare country cultures in a quantitative manner. The same is true for organizational cultures. Yet, until now, the paradigm has been that the two types of culture need to be measured by different frameworks. For years, this paradigm has been an obstacle for comparing work cultures internationally. In this book, author Paul Melessen presents a dimensional framework that bridges the gap between the two types of culture. It builds on existing frameworks – in particular, the VSM and OCM frameworks presented by Geert Hofstede – to compare fifteen multinational corporations and subsequently draw several interesting conclusions. Appropriately titled Countries, Corporations and Cultures, the book develops the “Multilevel Culture” (MLC) framework with a procedure called MCMC multilevel modelling. Hence the subtitle A multilevel approach.

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