Look around us today: Industrialization with an overdose of ungodly technology "gone loco" is absolutely rife; global pollution and destruction of our ecosystem - rife; a loss of national culture and identity - rife; crypto-currencies being the modern day coins of Caesar - rife; corruption and lies - rife; populism - rife; a lack of reality - rife; lawlessness and wars - becoming rife; cancer and sickness - rife...it goes on and on. It is a slow handcart to Hell! This is the modern day equivalent of what Jesus and the early Christians were up against in the face of the Roman Empire that led them to embark on the quest for the Holy Grail. And, this is practically no different than what Frodo and his Hobbit companions were up against in the face of Sauron, that led them to embark on a similar quest in J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy epic The Lord of the Rings.
Although it is not a widely known fact, the core and true teachings of Jesus relate to the Holy Grail. They are not so much concerned with the commercialization of Christianity that Emperor Constantine sought to promote, that is widely known but not completely understood. And, to truly bring to life the Grail teachings of Jesus as opposed to the drama of his life story, this book and series is a completion of what Jesus, his apostles, and all the medieval Grail romances have strived to communicate over the millennia. Make no mistake, this book and series will seek to unravel the mysteries of the Holy Grail, to give credit to the legacy of Jesus; for God's gift of fellowship, sovereignty and kinship to become commonplace on Earth...that has been captured in the Arthurian sense, in the form of the civilization of Camelot.
This first book in the series of Oz:mosis has been written in the style of a modern day Grail Quest Cycle, that was originally inspired by a dream I had over twenty years ago about 'The Wizard of Oz', that since this book's development has paved the yellow brick road to its completion, in the theme and spirit of the original 1939 classic film.