The book entitled ``Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resource'' is a result of National Conference on sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources held during 16-18 March, 2001, at Department of Botany, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidayalaya, Sagar (M.P.) India.
Biological diversity is the result of interaction between climate, organisms, topography, parent soil materials, time and heredity. The tropics are the ideal places for such an interaction. Indian region having a geographical area of 339 million hectares, is quite rich in biodiversity with a sizeable percentage of endemic flora and fauna. This richness in biodiversity is due to immense variety of climate and altitudinal conditions coupled with varied ecological habitats. He from the humid tropical Western Ghat to the hot deserts of Rajasthan, from the cold desert of Ladak and the icy mountain of Himalayas to the worm coast of peninsular India. The country is very important Vavilovian center of biodiversity and origin of over 167 important cultivated plant species and some domesticated animals.