Born in Cagliari in 1967, Clelia Farrisgraduated in psychology with a thesis on epistemology. A favoritewith both readers and experts, she is considered one of Italy's bestscience fiction authors. She won the awardwith Rupes Recta, the Odyssey award with No Man IsMy Brother, and the Kipple prize with The Weighingof the Soul. In 2012 she published The Justice ofIsis, set in the same futuristic Egypt of TheWeighing of the Soul. In 2015 she published the novella,"Creative Surgery," which has been included in theanthologies, Storie dal domani 2 and RosariumPublishing's Future Fiction: New Dimensions in InternationalScience Fiction and Fantasy. She was a finalist for theUrania Mondadori Award 2016 with her story, "Uomini e Necro."Her stories have also been published Italian and internationalmagazines such as Robot, Fantasy Magazine, Future ScienceFiction, and Strange Horizons.
Rachel Cordasco has a Ph.D in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor. She's written for World Literature Today, Strange Horizons, and Samovar Magazine and also translates Italian SFF.
Jennifer Delare is a full-time Italian-to-English translator.