A Study of the Book of Luke and Acts 1–7
The past one hundred years or so have seen great advances regarding the spread of the gospel all over the globe, where it thrives amid adversity. However, some prosperous Western democracies have seen the numbers of Christians peak and then decline. Seemingly high-powered ministers, along with some of their enthusiastic followers, have succumbed to corruption (in their personal lives, in their finances, or both). Reacting against the ever-increasing perversion all around us, some groups have pursued increasing legalism, leaving them virtually powerless. Many congregations have failed to retain young people and are dwindling as the older saints die off. Church splits have reached epidemic proportions. and have become the bane of Christianity.
How do we return to the purity, power, and unity of the early congregations described in the book of Acts? They turned the world upside down in just a few years, even without any of our modern tools or media. What will it take to finish fulfilling the Great Commission according to the will of God and for there to be a perfect bride, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, when our Lord Jesus Christ returns?
According to Luke, before Jesus ascended, he told his disciples, behold, I shall send the promise of my Father upon you, but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye are endued with power from on high. This promise is still valid. If we are to be clean and effective witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ, we will be wise to not leave home without being endued with power from on high.