The Letters of Lupus of Ferrières

By Graydon W. Regenos

The Letters of Lupus of Ferrières
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This translation ofthe letters of Lupus of Ferrieres is based primarily on the text of Diimmler' s edition, published in the M onumenta Germaniae Historica in 1902. In the arrangement of the letters, however, I have followed Levillain who sought to put them in chronological order on the basis of his own previous research published in a series of articles in the Bibliothcque de l'E:cole des chartes, volumes LXII and LXIII, in 1901 and 1902. A chronological table with suggested dating of the letters is given in this book on pages 151-153. I have attempted to keep the notes brief, confining them chiefly to identification of quoted passages and to proper names, assuming that the reader, if interested, will him self seek more detailed information in the standard sources. In a collection of letters of this nature, covering as they do such a wide range of subject matter, it is to be expected that some will have comparatively little general appeal. The few letters, for example, which deal with Latin grammar will be of little interest to most readers. Occasionally a letter may border on the trite or commonplace. It has seemed desirable, however, in view ofthe limited number of such letters, and for the sake of completeness, to include the entire collection.

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