Victory Rests with the Lord is a validation of Proverbs 21:31, “The Horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.”
The commander of one of the most successful infantry companies during the Vietnam War makes a strong case that the war was winnable if God would have provided our leaders the wisdom and creativity to employ the correct tactics.
Victory Rests with the Lord explains why the most powerful military in the world was defeated in the Vietnam War. It explains why and how God intervened in both victory and defeat within the war.
Uncover both the flawed tactics that led to America’s defeat, and the tactics that would have led to victory if used throughout the war. Victory Rests with the Lord reveals a highly effective automated battlefield that employed mechanical ambushes in the latter years of the war.
Learn the most important lesson from the Vietnam War and what America must do to prevent another similar defeat. Victory Rests with the Lord provides evidence of the power of Jesus Christ and serves as a warning to America to return to the Bible as its moral compass.