Tap into all of the latest knowledge and expertise in your field ... in print and online! Both a user-friendly printed reference and a fully searchable web site, this e-dition of Dr. Hurwitz's classic reference gives you two fast ways to find expert solutions to the clinical challenges that arise in your practice. Regular updates online ensure that you'll always have access to the most current information!
- Presents new chapters that cover the hottest topics in the field.
- Offers meticulous revisions and updates of all other chapters.
- Features a bold new full-color design-with over 800 illustrations of breathtaking clarity.
- Users can search the entire contents of the book and access...
- Weekly updates
- A PowerPoint® image library featuring every image in the book.
- Valuable web links to relevant sites - making this your one stop for pediatric dermatology information..
- Patient information sheets.
- Now in COLOR! Over 850 high quality, updated clinical color photographs of skin disorders help in quick diagnosis.
- New sections covering hereditary disorders of cornification, hereditary disorders of the dermis, skin signs of other systemic diseases, and abuse and fatitial disorders.
- Tables allow for quick reference for differential diagnoses, clinical features, treatments, etc.
- The latest information on the hottest topics, including: discussions of the molecular bases of diseases, genodermatoses, icythoses, patient management, and ongoing patient welfare.
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