Operative Otolaryngology

By Eugene N. Myers

Operative Otolaryngology
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This comprehensive, text/atlas details the full range of operative otolaryngologic procedures, including details of the newest types of reconstructive methods. Dr. Eugene Myers and a team of more than 30 multidisciplinary experts provide unsurpassed, step-by-step coverage--from pre-operative diagnosis, evaluation and management of the patient to detailed step-by-step description of the surgical techniques and post-operative care.
  • Over 1,000 line-drawings by artist Jon Coulter and over 1,000 photographs offer impeccable clarity for each step in otolaryngologic surgical techniques.
  • Outstanding authorship of Dr. Myers--an authority in otolaryngology and a past president of the Academy of Otolaryngology--and 30 expert contributors ensures thorough and reliable coverage.
  • Well-designed layout features consistent headings in every chapter that describe each procedure.
  • Organized by anatomical area. Volume I is the Head and Neck and General Otolaryngology. Volume II is the Cranial Base, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Otology and Neurotology.
  • Standardize approach in each chapter: Introduction, Patient Selection Preoperative Planning, Surgical Technique, Postoperative Management, and Pitfalls and Complications.
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