Exodus and Wanderings

By Jonathan Turner

Exodus and Wanderings
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Exodus and Wanderings continues the survey of Old Testament history Mr. Turner began in his book, Beginnings and Patriarchs. The seventeen lesson plans in this volume cover the time-period from the Israelites' slavery in Egypt to just before their crossing the Jordan river in order to enter the land of Canaan. A few of the topics are: Moses' call, judgments on Egypt, revolt in the desert, and Balaam's prophecies.

Aside from the "Exodus" from Egypt the defining element of this period is the covenant God established with the Israelite people by means of the Law of Moses. Teachers and students alike will appreciate Turner's concise summaries which cut through the sometimes mind-numbing complexities of key features of the Law, and Tabernacle worship.

Each lesson not only explains the biblical text and events, but emphasizes practical applications for Christians today. Among these applications are: waiting for God's timing, living holy and consistent lives, dealing with criticism and discouragement, keeping promises, and entering covenant relationships.

In addition to the lessons, the author has included an essay on the Exodus.

This book is part of a series. Other volumes include: Beginnings and Patriarchs, Conquest and Judges, The United Monarchy

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