This comprehensive guide includes not only films of Shakespeare's plays, but also stage performances captured on film, as well as movies based on or inspired by his life and works. This revised American edition, which contains 34 more pages than the U.K. original, covers three main categories:
- 'Pure' Shakespeare--films that are more or less direct versions of the original play, either in part or in whole, in the original dialogue or translation
- Derivations--films that use Shakespearean themes or plots--acknowledged or not--but have altered other elements such as dress, time or place
- Opera, ballet, and animated versions--adaptations that cover the entire spectrum of filmed media
From the silent era through today, this detailed directory contains information on each film, including year of production, director, lead players, and production company. Where known, the book also lists the country of origin and language, emphasizing the international appeal of the great dramatist's works.
Shakespeare: A Hundred Years on Film fills a gap in film literature and celebrates the enduring bond between the Bard and the world of cinema.
Includes 40 photos.