This book gives a comprehensive account of all aspects of plant nematology and should be of profound help to the students, teachers, researchers and extension workers alike. The syllabus of ARS Net – Nematology has also been fully covered in this book. Hence, persons appearing for ARS Net – Nematology can also refer this book.
The book is divided into eight sections. The first section describes the importance of nematodes in agriculture, presents a historical review, nematode as biological models, entomopathogenic nematodes, and lists the professional societies and their publications.Information on the nematological techniques is outlined in section two.The morphology of nematodes is described and presented in clear schematic drawings in section three. The taxonomic classification along with keys for identification of nematodes up to generic level is provided. In section four, the biology, physiology and ecology of nematodes are described.The host-parasite interactions and symptoms on aerial and under-ground infestation by different nematodes are described and depicted in many photographs in section five. In section six, the interrelationships between nematodes and fungi, bacteria and viruses are discussed.Management of nematode diseases by host resistance and by suppression of nematode population through regulatory, physical, cultural, chemical, biological, and integrated methods have been presented in section seven.The last section of the book discusses the most important nematode induced diseases of horticultural, plantation and spices, commercial and field crops and their management.
The selected references provide convenient entry to both current and older literature. Very useful information in the form of common names of nematodes and a glossary of nematological terms are provided in Annexures. This book will give students, teachers, researchers and extension workers with an overview of the entire field of Plant Nematology.