Not yet recovered from the monumental events in the southern Alps of Japan, the young man the vampires have named “Medusa’s Son” is called into action again. Walt Baranov cannot hide from his destiny.
The enigmatic Ivan Kamenev asks him to head a response team to deal with vampire issues around the world. Still coming to terms with who he is and trying to help the powerful and furious Irina cope with her past … he respectfully declines. His reluctance is dispelled after he and the woman he loves are attacked on the way home.
Walt sees the need to step up and to help his partner release the simmering rage that lurks just below the surface. They enlist the help of old friends, specialists in both skill and knowledge to form: THE MEDUSA DIVISION. The formidable team is tasked with defeating the defiant monsters that still remain.
Their first mission finds the team flying to New York City. The city that never sleeps is under siege in the heart of the financial district. Mysterious deaths and disappearances and an ancient hotel in the middle of it all. The magnificent old building is filled with danger, secrets, and lies. Discretion becomes difficult as they encounter a problem that is far beyond the scope of what anyone could have imagined. Walt forms a plan that is as dangerous as it is brilliant. While nothing ever goes to plan, the team finds a way and the vampires soon learn that Medusa’s Son is not their only nemesis. It all pushes Walt to make the biggest decision of his life.