The Complete Demon Cursed Series.
Ghost Unleashed
When my family curse awakens, the dead come calling. They want to be heard, but they drove my mother insane and I fear that same will happen to me.
Spirit Destroyed
A soul-eater has ripped my sister’s soul from her body and unless I can find her in the grey-mists, she’ll be lost forever.
Soul Possessed
The demon I unleashed into the world has brought friends. Chaos and martial law rule. Souls are taken. Angels are trapped in the dark-mists. The city is being destroyed. Strange black clouds stop angel warriors from saving souls on Earth. This is the End of Days, and it’s more terrifying than anything I could imagine.
Wraith Consumed
The angelic power given to me is fracturing me apart. I’ve crossed the veil, but I don’t know who I am or how I can to be here.
Demon Vanquished
Lilith has possessed my body and tricked us all. She’s stolen my power and invaded the Earth with her army of soul-eaters.
Fans of ‘The Ghost Whisperer’, ‘Supernatural’, ‘Lucifer’, and those who enjoy reading about ghosts, angels, demons , reincarnation with a healthy dose of woo woo will like this series.