Advances in Maritime Logistics and Supply Chain Systems
By Ek Peng Chew, Loo Hay Lee, Loon Ching Tang
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7. A performance evaluation strategy towards dealers in the automotive supply chain. 1. Introduction. 2. Problems of dealer evaluation. 3. Indicators definition for dealers' performance evaluation. 4. Dealers' performance evaluation via ANP. 5. Case study. 6. Conclusions. 7. References -- 8. A yard allocation strategy for export containers via simulation and optimization. 1. Introduction. 2. Related work. 3. Yard allocation modeling for export containers. 4. Yard allocation algorithm for export containers. 5. Simulation model. 6. Case study. 7. Conclusions. 8. References -- 9. Integration of AGVS in intermodal rail operations at deep sea terminals. 1. Introduction. 2. Earlier attempts to address the problem. 3. The AGV-solution to integrate railway operations in deep sea terminals. 4. Conclusion. 5. References -- 10. On the ongoing increase of containership size. 1. Introduction. 2. Economies of ship size. 3. Shipping costs of post Panamax containerships. 4. The ongoing increase of containership size. 5. Conclusions. 6. References -- 11. A linearized approach for liner ship fleet planning with demand uncertainty. 1. Introduction. 2. Problem description, assumptions and notations. 3. A mixed integer nonlinear programming model. 4. A linearized approach. 5. Numerical example. 6. Summary and conclusion. 7. References -- 12. Ship emissions, costs and their tradeoffs. 1. Introduction. 2. Background. 3. Some basics : algebra of emissions and fuel cost. 4. A simple logistical scenario : factors and tradeoffs. 5. The cost to avert one tone of CO2. 6. The port time factor. 7. Speed reduction at SECAs. 8. SECAs continued : effect on modal split. 9. Conclusions. 10. References -- 13. Exploring tanker market elasticity with respect to oil production using FORESIM. 1. Introduction. 2. Methodology. 3. Simulation results. 4. Conclusions. 5. References