Colonial American History Stories - 1763 - 1769 contains almost 300 history stories presented in a timeline that begins in 1755 with the hanging of the Liberty Bell and ends with the Treaty of Paris that ended the French and Indian War. This journal of historical events mark the beginnings of the United States and serve as a wonderful guide of American history. These reader friendly stories include:
March 10, 1753- Liberty Bell Hung
April 9, 1754 - Slave Girl Priscilla Begins Her Horrible Journey
April 12, 1755 - Ben Franklin Receives Letter Describing Death by Tapeworm
November 01, 1756 - Samuel Adams Elected Tax Collector
June 28, 1762 - First Reported Counterfeiting Attempt at Boston
timeline, journal, events, stories, united states, beginnings, guide
little known, obscure, facts, forgotten, stories,