Integrable Systems in the realm of Algebraic Geometry

By Pol Vanhaecke

Integrable Systems in the realm of Algebraic Geometry
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2. Divisors and line bundles 97 2.1. Divisors . . 97 2.2. Line bundles 98 2.3. Sections of line bundles 99 2.4. The Riemann-Roch Theorem 101 2.5. Line bundles and embeddings in projective space 103 2.6. Hyperelliptic curves 104 3. Abelian varieties 106 3.1. Complex tori and Abelian varieties 106 3.2. Line bundles on Abelian varieties 107 3.3. Abelian surfaces 109 4. Jacobi varieties ... 112 4.1. The algebraic Jacobian 112 4.2. The analytic/trancendental Jacobian 112 4.3. Abel's Theorem and Jacobi inversion 116 4.4. Jacobi and Kummer surfaces 118 4.5. Abelian surfaces of type (1.4) 120 V. Algebraic completely integrable Hamiltonian systems 123 1. Introduction . 123 2. A.c.i. systems 125 3. Painleve analysis for a.c.i. systems 131 4. Linearization of two-dimensional a.c.i. systems 134 5. Lax equations 136 VI. The master systems 139 1. Introduction ...

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