We hear it all the time: Americans need to have a conversation about race. But as far as Anthony M. D’Agostino, M.D., can tell, these conversations usually just reinforce our existing attitudes and prejudices. Is it actually possible for white people to have fruitful conversations with each other about prejudice and race? His answer: a definite maybe.
In Prejudice, Racism, Tribalism: A Primer for White People, he offers a discussion of these beliefs and attitudes from the point of view of a prejudice-prone white person. He writes how these terms are similar and how they are different. Consider questions such as:
• Who are victims of racism and why should we care?
• Who benefits from tribal prejudices and why are they so enduring?
• How do our prejudices influence our social and political opinions?
• Just what is “white privilege” and why would I want to lose it?
The author also examines topics such as attitudes about immigration, language, and other prejudices of white people about religion, women, Hispanics, and politics.