Biology of Humans

By Judith Goodenough, Betty A. McGuire

Biology of Humans
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Known for its unique “Special Topic” chapters and emphasis on everyday health concerns, the Fifth Edition of Biology of Humans: Concepts, Applications, and Issues continues to personalize the study of human biology with a conversational writing style, stunning art, abundant applications, and tools to help you develop critical-thinking skills. The authors give you a practical and friendly introduction for understanding how their bodies work and for preparing them to navigate today’s world of rapidly expanding–and shifting–health information.

Each chapter now opens with new “Did You Know?” questions that pique your interest with intriguing and little-known facts about the topic that follows. The Fifth Edition also features a new “Special Topic” chapter (1a) titled “Becoming a Patient: A Major Decision,” which discusses how to select a doctor or a hospital, how to research health conditions, and more.

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