Market / Audience
Primary market are the 30,000 PT students based in the US, attending 210 programs. Secondary market: 155,000 clinicians currently practicing.
The primary market for this book, students, has grown by 33% since 2003, when the first edition was published.
About the Book
From exercise prescriptions to patient evaluations, insurance forms, billing, and much more—Effective Documentation for Physical Therapy Professionals is your best choice for learning when, what, and how to document. Included are every essential aspect of documentation and many sample documents.
The easy-to-follow format gives you the professional guidelines, codes, and methodology you need to provide expert documentation.
Key Selling Features
Author Profiles
Eric Shamus, DPT, PhD, CSCS has taught national and international continuing education courses on Orthopeadics, Sports Medicine, and Manual Therapy, with a focus on documentation and reimbursement. He is presently a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University and works at an outpatient orthopedic facility in Fort Lauderdale.
Debra F. Stern, PT, MSM, DBA is an Associate Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She serves as a clinical instructor with a focus on geriatrics, neuromuscular disorders, and also coordinates service learning experiences for the school's PT department. She received her BS in Physical Therapy from SUNY Buffalo, her MSM from Rollins College, and her DBAS at Nova Southeastern.