Lobo Coronado is about to have the most exciting day of his mundane life.
Kidnapped by night shadows and introduced to his long-lost grandfather, he is transported to another realm where he meets a queen, a vampire scribe, and a little angel with a big attitude problem.
Lobo learns that an unknown enemy with a demon army and ties to his late father is endangering multiple worlds. Is Lobo the key to unlocking the truth?
Teamed with his new companions, this Freaksome Threesome must work together to unleash the full potential of Lobo’s famous bloodline and prevent the annihilation of Earth and the Celestial Realms.
Lobo Coronado and The Legacy of The Wolf by Manuel Ruiz is for young readers who enjoy adventure filled with action, magic, and humor, such as the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series and Artemis Fowl.