World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention

By M. M. Peden, World Health Organization

World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention
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***THIS BOOK WAS GRANTED THE 2004 PREMIER AWARD OF THE PRINCE MICHAEL INTERNATIONAL ROAD SAFETY AWARD*** Every day thousands of people are killed and injured on our roads. Men women or children walking biking or riding to school or work playing in the streets or setting out on long trips will never return home leaving behind shattered families and communities. Millions of people each year will spend long weeks in hospital after severe crashes and many will never be able to live work or play as they used to do. Current efforts to address road safety are minimal in comparison to this growing human suffering. The World Health Organization and the World Bank have jointly produced this World report on road traffic injury prevention. Its purpose is to present a comprehensive overview of what is known about the magnitude risk factors and impact of road traffic injuries and about ways to prevent and lessen the impact of road crashes. The document is the outcome of a collaborative effort by institutions and individuals. Over 100 experts from all continents and different sectors - including transport engineering health police education and civil society - have worked to produce the report. Road traffic injuries are a growing public health issue disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups of road users including the poor. But road traffic crashes and injuries are preventable. Road traffic injury prevention must be incorporated into a broad range of activities such as the development and management of road infrastructure mobility planning the provision of health and hospital services child welfare services and urban and environmental planning. The health sector is an important partner in this process. Its roles are to strengthen the evidence base provide appropriate pre-hospital and hospital care and rehabilitation conduct advocacy and contribute to the implementation and evaluation of interventions. The time to act is now. Road safety is no accident. It requires strong political will and concerted sustained efforts across a range of sectors. Acting now will save lives. There are not many roads there is a single road that extends across the length and breadth of our vast planet. Each of us is responsible for a segment of that road. The road safety decisions that we make or do not make ultimately have the power to affect the lives of people everywhere. We are one road - one world - Rochelle Sobel President Association for Safe International Road Travel

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