-- The Complete Idiot's Guide "RM" to JavaServer Pages presents JSP in a way that is understandable to both the budding Web developer familiarity with Java programmer or a Web designer who's better acquainted with HTML than Servlets.
-- JSP, though efficient and very applicable, relies on Java concepts. This makes learning JSP initially less intuitive than similar scripting protocols. Hence, neophytes to this technology could benefit greatly from a Complete Idiot's Guide "RM" that explains its fundamentals.
-- This book will provide instructions for creating a JSP application through helping the reader get up and running on the free Jakarta tomcat server.
This book is designed to gently guide the reader thorough the intricacies of JavaServer Pages (JSP). First, a basic understanding of the HTPP model and the Servlet lifecycle are presented as these are key requisites for understanding and implementing JSPs. Following this, the reader is guided through an installation of the Apache software foundation, tomcat server, which is the JSP reference implementation and is free. Several demo JSPs come with this server, which will be used to visually demonstrate the JSP concept.