Strategies and Models for Teachers

By Paul Eggen, Don Kauchak

Strategies and Models for Teachers
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This K-12 teaching methods text continues to focus on instruction, using a models approach that links prescriptive teaching strategies to specific content and thinking objectives.

Well known for it's practical case-study approach, the Sixth Edition ofStrategies and Models for Teachers opens each chapter with a case study that illustrates an instructional model in practice and translates cognitive principles of learning into teaching strategies. This edition is composed of two main parts. In Part I the first three chapters describe principles of cognitive learning and motivation theory, teaching strategies that apply to all grade levels, and the teaching of thinking. In Part II, the remaining chapters offer detailed coverage of the individual models, with each model designed to help learners reach specific cognitive, social, and critical thinking goals. With a focus on active learning, utilizing research, cognitive psychology, experience, and emphasizes the teacher's central role in the learning process teachers will find this an invaluable resource throughout their career.

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