Where great science meets great teaching.
At just fourteen chapters, Psychology: Core Concepts provides rich coverage of the foundational topics taught in most introductory courses.
Psychology: Core Concepts focuses on a manageable number of core concepts (usually three to five) in each chapter, allowing students to attain a deeper level of understanding of the material. Learning is reinforced through focused application and critical thinking activities, and connections between concepts are drawn across chapters to help students see the big picture of psychology as a whole. The 7th edition features an enhanced critical thinking emphasis, with new chapter-opening "Problems" and new end-of-chapter critical thinking applications that promote active learning.
Teaching & Learning Experience
Note: MyPsychLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit: www.mypsychlab.com or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost). VP: 0205255000 / 9780205255009
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