Echo 1 Pupil Book

By Jeannie McNeill, Steve Williams

Echo 1 Pupil Book
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  • The book develops pupils' use and understanding of German by providing straightforward explanations of the way language works, alongside motivation, stepped activities.
  • Clear learning targets are made explicit to the pupils at the beginning of each unit.
  • Simple grammar explanations and practice help you to provide an integrated approach to teaching the structure of the language.
  • Language-learning skills are carefully developed through the activities, and supported in the other components.
  • Explanations and modelling of German pronunciation are accompanied by regular practice activities throughout the book.
  • Extensions units ensure that the core remains accessible and that all abilities are catered for.
  • Differentiated reading and writing activities at the back of the book provide a wealth of material that pupils can work on independently.
  • Mini-tests, end-of-module checklists and revision tests provide valuable material for Assessment for Learning. Assessment for Learning is further supported in the other components of the course.

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