In scripture, a person’s name epitomizes the very essence of his identity. The abundance of God’s names in His Word showcases the many aspects of His identity that reflect the ways He meets the daily situations of our lives. God desires that we seek Him, know Him, and understand His ways. One can attain a deeper revelation of the majesty of God by what He has revealed about Himself through His names. A canvas of His names vividly displays the majesty of His inexhaustible character to one hungry to know Him. Gazing into the face of I AM through His names captivates the seeking heart to drink in the thirst-quenching beauty of our awesome God. I Am is a collection of 366 meditations on the names and attributes of God that reveals the splendor of His character to every heart seeking to know and understand Him. I Am invites those who long for new heights of joy and delight in His presence:
• to discover daily revelations about Him
• to develop a renewed passion to know Him
• to experience deeper levels of intimacy with Him
• to create a deeper longing for prayer to Him
• to build a stronger foundation of faith in Him